Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011 Doctrine and Covenants 58:26-27

Dear family,
Love love love your letters. It was great to hear from my grandparents this week. You guys have always been some of the greatest examples in my life. 

The scripture of the week is Doctrine and Covenants 58:26-27. 

26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is acompelled in all things, the same is abslothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
 27 Verily I say, men should be aanxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

Really good to apply this one to life. Sounds like you guys are doing really good. Time flys. Glad you are enjoying the blog. Thanks for the scripture papa i{´ll read it soon. For the money thing mom, we have a debit card and the 1st of the month we take out all the money, pay for our rent, our pensionista for laundry and food, and we have certain amount for transportation and personal. The package was heavenly. thank ya much. it was funny cuz my companion told me to have you guys send peanut butter if possible haha and there it was. mmm. This week we were living in luxury. The family of our pension had been saving for a time and bought a fridge. first fridge ive seen in all of otuzco haha. can you imagine living without a fridge, readily clean water, no washing machines or dryers, ha and many other luxuries we enjoy in the states. but i had ice for the first time in peru (except maybe the airplane) this week so that was awesome too. The wingers sauce was brilliance. especially cuz we have chicken wings or some part of a chicken more than half the meals haha. thanks for that. The rice crispy treats were good. I think i am allergic to something you sent, i think the rice crispy treats, i dont know but after i ate it for the first time i started getting little bumps like hives all over my body. I will be fine though. also we had pancakes yesterday which was like heaven. We had a bird in the pension in a box, and i{m pretty sure we ate it haha. I miss max. prob the most out of everyone. sorry guys but max takes the cake. there are dogs and puppys that are way cute that i see every day haha. Yesterday was good. I played piano in sacrament, well the organ actually. ( ha we only have a keyboard, so i used the organ function ) my companion and elder mikesell went to milluachaqui the familiar group and so me and elder espinal taught in church yesterday. basically winged it in spanish. But it turned out good. It was on Charity. This is the attribute we should strive for the most. You hear charity is the pure love of christ. Which it is. But think how almost impossible that is, the love Christ had for us, i hope to achieve that some day. He loved us enough to suffer for all of us. Yesterday we had a really good lesson. Taught lesson one to this man. But the way the lesson went, it was really him teaching himself the lesson haha. It was cool. He would lead himself into the next point in the lesson. For example after we talked about joseph smith and being a prophet he asked, so since he was a prophet did he have writings too like the prophets of the bible. and it was perfect to explain the book of mormon after that. I think he´s golden. But i always think that. haha. We were going to only teach half the lesson but the spirit told us to stay. In general The work is harder than expected. i thought it would be cake down here in south america haha. But i really want to have more success. We do have a baptism date, but she wants to get baptized after her moms birthday in october. haha. The lifestyle is really different. Cool thing happened yesterday, when we were walking home to dinner my comp felt impressed to visit this ward member. When we went there she was in major pain. We helped her with dishes and gave her a priesthood blessing. I don´t think ive ever seen anyone suffer so much. It was a good thing we went. SPeaking of blessings, lots of sick people down here so we give lots of blessings. Life is good. I was reading in true to the faith and realized how important family history work is. ( D and C 128:15). And I hope the work for our family is done, if it is not, get to it. haha. cuz its the only way we can all be sealed together. Love you guys. have a good week.
Elder Hurley

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