Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1st Week in the MTC

Hello Everyone!
The first week here at the MTC has been amazing! You guys can all email me from this email which However while I'm in the MTC I would suggest using dear elder throughout the week instead because I only get thirty minutes to email, and don't want to use up all that time reading letters while I could be writing more. So dearelder is best for now and it has been great hearing from all of you. if you do email that is still great i'm pretty sure i can print it off.
some housekeeping stuff:
could someone send me courtneys email so I can email her? I would love that. Also mom my favorite scripture for the plaque is second nephi: 31:20-21. I loved the package! thanks mom. I'm not sure what to do with the tupperware though so i may try to mail that back or something. If you could, I need some more regular t-shirts and more white socks. Any shirts my size are good from the closet, and maybe 3-4 more white socks. we work out every day, and we do service once a week, and stuff so these items would be much appreciated if you could get them to me. My shoes came from mish mall. still waitin for the pack though. I really like the backback so thanks so much!! If you want (i'll be fine without) but I have really been using that 5 star mead notebook that we got from walmart, it has no hole punches but the pages rip out, and it is perfect for taking notes and stuff, so if you could get me another one of those that would be awesome. its smaller than regular size paper.
MTC itself:
Really awesome being here. The food is really good but I think I am doing a good job at keeping my diet balanced. Gym time is always fun. I think basketball is my favorite. played some horseshoes too ha ha so thats fun. Me and Elder Armstrong get along really well and have similar work ethics. I think we work harder than anyone in our district haha. we mostly have classes all day long which I heard from many people is really boring and long but I have absolutely loved the classroom. Our teachers hermon jarman and hermana perzioli are so great. Its so fun to improve my spanish and learn better teaching skills. speaking of spanish..
the spanish:
I am excelling really fast at learning the language already. I remember so much from high school here its crazy! and when I learn new things I remember them usually here. It is truly awesome. Yesterday me and Elder armstrong taught the first lesson to some elders in spanish. I didn't memorize but I actually taught it in my own words (in spanish). It was really cool. Tonight we have a thing called TRC where we contact investigators and teach them. Normally the first four weeks are in english, but our district is teaching it tonight in spanish. I think they are pushing us harder partly because me and elder armstrong are leaving in two weeks. which is awesome. The other district in our zone has been here for 5 weeks and tonight is their first time teaching it in spanish. So i am very confident that I can learn this language and it is really fun to speak in it. I will try speak mostly english when I write you guys though. Herman perzioni (our teacher) doesn't speak any english. So we thought. Everyone said she didn't and the first few days she really didn't, and she didn't understand anything we said, and we had to teach her (as a mock investigator) in spanish the second day here!, (because she doesn't understand english). Eventually she told us one day that she does speak english. I told her to keep speaking in spanish haha. it was SOO funny though, when she started speaking in english for the first time, one of the elders in my district thought that he was receiving the gift of tongues and understanding spanish perfectly and speaking it. hahaha! even though it was english. But I carry around my dictionary everywhere and if I don't know a word I look it up which is a good habit. I really like singing in spanish so that would be a good think if you want to send me something, i would enjoy listening to the hymns in spanish. Elder Armstrong and I are really learning fast though and at this rate I think by the time I get to peru I will feel pretty confident with it. It was kind of cool though, one of the elders came up to us the other day and told us the reason we were learning so fast is because we had the spirit with us and he has seen that. I know this is so true and it is so much easier to learn with the spirit. speaking of spiritual..
I think that is so awesome that whitney got her patriachial blessing! if she wants I would love to read it. I don't think I ever had a chance to read courtneys either. But last week during the MTC i was feeling kind of bummed, because I was expecting to feel the spirit very very strongly. I prayed I would each day, but I wanted to feel what I felt the day before I came in with the stake pres. I was impressed to read my blessing. I felt the spirit so strongly as I read and God really knows us. I have felt the spirit so strongly ever since this. I don't have much time left, but someone forward this to matt, tell him I'll write him personally when i get time and he doesn't need to write more than once a week. I have so much more to say but I will get it next week or in a letter. love you guys so much and i hope you know I am doing really well. Love all, serve all
Elder Hurley

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